Python related data collection list

Author : xuzhiping   2022-10-31 14:52:08 Browse: 1836
Category : Python

Abstract: 1.Common links and basic tools for Python Online Python Tutor : First of all, we recommend this website. This is the most fas...


  1. Online Python Tutor : First of all, we recommend this website. This is the most fascinating way I've seen to learn Python, don't underestimate this simple interface, it has many examples.

  2. Python Build-in Functions: Python Build in Functions is very similar to IDL. Python itself has provided many ready-made functions, and now likes to use Python as a calculator; Of course, it is necessary to be familiar with Python standard library.

  3. IPython: The interactive computing interface under Python is basically a Python shell with enhanced functions, which reminds me of Mathmatica in some places.

  4. Docutils: Documentation toolkit in Python.

  5. Latest Python problem on StackOverflow: Video records of various reports and tutorials at Scipy's 2011 conference, including many special contents, may be useful for everyone, such as how to use the MCMC simulation tool under Python, etc.

  6. Python Notes: Python notes and bookmarks, providing many Python language examples.

  7. A simple Python numerical application tutorial.

  8. PythonSpeed: It is said that it can help improve Python programming efficiency.

  9. Style Guide for Python.

  10. Concise Python tutorial: A very formal Chinese translation of the Python tutorial

2.Astronomical application

  1. Astrophython: A collection of Python astronomical applications, which basically covers most of my introduction; it also provides a variety of resources and tutorials.

  2. Astrophysics: Astrophysics utilities for python, determined to build a complete astronomical toolkit under Python, which is still in development.

  3. A website for astronomers to introduce Python applications: A website for astronomers to introduce Python applications.

  4. Python Script for Astronomy: Some simple and commonly used astronomical application scripts are provided.

  5. Asciitable The toolkit for reading all kinds of ASCII files prepared by Chandra center is very useful

  6. AstLib: This is also an astronomy toolkit with different modules, which may be immature, but it is worth looking forward to; it includes simple calculation, coordinate processing, WCS system, image processing, simple drawing tool, SED fitting tool, simple statistical tool and so on.

  7. AstroAsciiData: This is a tool for dealing with ASCII data and tables written by the European HST Center.

  8. : It is said that it can help you build an Astroph web page reading list, which is very suitable for organizing discussions.

  9. CASA: CASA, the next generation general data processing tool for radio astronomy, chose Python as the working language to make it more popular in astronomical circles, some introduction to the application of Python astronomy can also be found on the website.

  10. ChiantiPy: Tools for using astronomical spectra and atomic databases under Python.

  11. Cosmocalc: Simple cosmology related calculation package written by CXC.

  12. Pyasstrolib: It is said that this package directly translated various applications in NASA's astronomical toolkit under IDL.

  13. Kapteyn astronomical package: The astronomical package of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, there are all kinds of things, including WCS, drawing, etc.

  14. PyEphem : Astronomical calendar toolkit under Python.

  15. PyFlation: A toolkit for calculating the primary disturbance of cosmology under P ython.

  16. PyGoodsdst: Henry Ferguson, one of CANDELS Sky Survey PI, wrote a Python package for GOODS Sky Survey.

  17. PySpecKit: A collection of spectral processing tools under Python.

  18. Galpy: Galactic dynamics Python toolkit written by Jo Bovy.

  19. PySofa: Python package of IAU's astronomical foundation toolkit SOFA.

  20. Angles: Celestial sphere angle processing tool under Python.

  21. PyModelFit: Model fitting toolkit under Python, which is not a special astronomical application, but it is estimated that it will not be used frequently, from one-dimensional spectral line fitting to three-bit density distribution fitting and so on.

  22. Python Switcher Guide: This little dictionary provided by AstroBetter is worth reading.

3.Other scientific applications

  1. FiPy: Finite element method for solving partial differential equations under Python.

  2. MarkovPy: As the name implies, the application of MCMC parameter estimation under Python.

  3. PyBayes: Bayesian toolkit under Python.

  4. RPy: Toolkit for using statistical language R under Python.

  5. PyX : A drawing toolkit under Python, there should be some unique places, refer to its Gallery.

  6. PyBrain: Machine learning toolkit under Python.

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