The online map of annual precipitation in Hebei Province, China is derived from the atlas of China National Geographic Map, prepared by the Editorial Committee of China National Geographic Map and published by China Encyclopedia Press in November 2011, the figure shows the annual precipitation of various regions in Hebei Province.
The average annual precipitation in Hebei Province is 400-800 mm, the southern foothills of Yanshan Mountain and the eastern foothills of Taihang are areas with heavy rainfall, reaching 700-800 mm. The Ningjin and Nangong areas of the Hebei Plain and the Zhangbei Plateau are less rainy areas, about 400 to 500 mm. The seasonal distribution of annual precipitation is uneven, with 65% to 75% in summer. Precipitation is not only concentrated, but also intensive. The maximum daily rainfall in the Taihang Mountains and Yanshan District can reach 300 ~ 400 mm.
Online map of January average temperature in Hebei Province, China
Online map of July average temperature in Hebei Province, China
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