The online map of January average temperature in Zhejiang Province, China is from the atlas of China National Geographic Map, prepared by the Editorial Committee of China National Geographic Map, and published by China Encyclopedia Press in November 2011. The average temperature in January in various regions of Zhejiang Province.
The general characteristics of Zhejiang's climate are: the monsoon is remarkable, the four seasons are clear, the annual temperature is moderate, the amount of light is abundant, the rainfall is abundant, the air is humid, and the weather is numerous.The annual average temperature is 15 ℃ ~ 18 ℃, the extreme maximum temperature is 33 ℃ ~ 43 ℃, and the extreme minimum temperature is -2.2 ℃ ~ -17.4 ℃. The annual average rainfall is 980 ~ 2000 mm, which is one of the areas most severely affected by typhoon, heavy rain, drought, cold wave, gale, hail, freezing damage, tornado and other disasters, and various meteorological disasters occur frequently.
Historical map of administrative division (1977-1999) in Zhejiang Province, China
Online map of July average temperature in Zhejiang Province, China
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