The online map of January and July average temperature in Shaanxi Province, China is from the atlas of China National Geographic Map, prepared by the editorial board of China National Geographic Map, and published by China Encyclopedia Press in November 2011.
Shaanxi Province has the characteristics of north subtropical humid climate, warm temperate semi-humid climate, warm temperate and temperate semi-arid climate from south to north.In general, the weather conditions are good, the sunshine is sufficient, the heat is rich, and it is suitable for the growth of crops.The average annual temperature is 9 ℃ ~ 16 ℃, which decreases gradually from south to north and from east to west. Frost-free period is 160 ~ 250 days.
History map of administrative division (1977-1999) in Shaanxi Province, China
Online map of annual precipitation in Shaanxi Province, China
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