The full online map of Taiwan Province, China comes from the atlas of China National Geographic Map, which was prepared by the Editorial Committee of China National Geographic Map and was published by China Encyclopedia Press in November 2011.
Taiwan Province, or Taiwan for short, is located in the southeast edge of the continental shelf of the motherland, it is a maritime province composed of islands bordering the East China Sea in the north, Ryukyu Islands in the northeast, the Great Pacific Ocean in the East, and the bus Strait in the south, facing the Philippines, west across the Taiwan Strait and Fujian Province.The whole province consists of more than 80 islands in Taiwan, surrounding islands and Penghu Islands, with a total area of about 36000 square kilometers (including 357800 square kilometers of Taiwan Island), and a total coastline of about 1600 kilometers.
History map of administrative division (1982-1999) in Taiwan Province, China
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