The online map of the annual precipitation in Guangdong Province, China, comes from the atlas of China National Geographic Map, prepared by the editorial board of China National Geographic Map and published by China Encyclopedia Press in November 2011. Guangdong can be seen in the picture Annual precipitation in various regions of the province.
Leizhou Peninsula dry area; Luoding Basin dry area;Rainy areas in northern Guangdong; Xingmei Basin with less rain; Chaoshan Plain with less rain.
Guangdong is one of the provinces with the most abundant precipitation in China, the spatial distribution of rainfall shows a trend of high in the south and low in the north, the average annual precipitation is more than 2200 mm. The precipitation in the flood season from April to September accounts for more than 80% of the whole year.
There are many types of climatic disasters in Guangdong Province, which occur frequently, the main disasters include cold waves, tornadoes, storms and floods, and tropical cyclones.On average, there are about 8 tropical cyclones affecting Guangdong each year, and there are an average of 4 tropical cyclones landing in Guangdong each year, making it one of the provinces with the most tropical cyclones landing in China. The impact of typhoons is relatively frequent, which has caused great damage to people's production and life.
Online map of July average temperature in Guangdong province, China
Online map of January average temperature in Guangdong Province, China
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