The online map of July average temperature in Henan Province, China is from the atlas of China National Geographic Map, prepared by the Editorial Committee of the China National Geographic Map, and published by China Encyclopedia Press in November 2011 The average temperature in July in various regions of Henan Province.
Henan Province is located in the middle latitudes and belongs to the warm temperate-subtropical, humid-semi-humid monsoon climate.There is less cold, rain and snow in winter, more arid wind and sand in spring, hot and rainy summer, and sunny and sunny in autumn.The province's average annual temperature is 12 °C ~ 16 °C, January -3 °C ~ 3 °C, and July's 24 °C ~ 29 °C. Temperature distribution is generally high in the east and low in the west, and high in the south and low in the north.The annual temperature and daily temperature are relatively large.In general, Henan has sufficient climatic heat, moisture, and light, but catastrophic weather is more frequent in some areas. The annual frost-free period is 180 to 240 days from north to south.
Online map of January average temperature in Henan Province, China
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