Natural Vegetation in Southern China
1, including Chinese fir, Suzuki of the pine forest
2, Yunnan pine, Simao pine a Yunnan pine b Simao pine forest
3, Chinese fir and bamboo forest
4, cold mountain, spruce, hemlock
5, Ulmaceae tree fragrance, Castanopsis and vines mixed with a thorn bush scorching a combination of cedar wood b combined dry Cedar forest
6, Castanopsis, Castanopsis, beech mixed forest
7, including Cyclobalanopsis, beech, Tieshan evergreen oak, deciduous broad-leaved trees, hemlock mixed forest
8, Castanopsis, Castanopsis, Collin a Cyclobalanopsis glauca, Castanopsis eyrei b, Cyclobalanopsis glauca, Castanopsis kawakamii
9, Castanopsis, camphor, Schima superba a Castanopsis, Castanopsis kawakami, Schima superba b Castanopsis, Castanopsis, Southwest Schima superba
10, with Podocarpaceae Castanopsis kawakata, Lauraceae, tea, Colin
11, high mountain oak forest
12, limestone monsoon rain forest and shrub
13, red soil monsoon rain forest
14, evergreen broad-leaved rain forest
15, mangroves
16, large white rhododendron, crow fruit, thick skin incense, iron scrub and Yunnan pine combination
17, wild peony, big sand shrub a Myrtle, Hong Kong pine, wild peony, big sand shrub and Pinus massoniana combination b show Mao wild peony, water Jin Shu, Yunnan sand shrub and Simao pine forest
18, grass Pittosporum, claw shrub clown forest
19, with thorn shrub twist Huang Mao, Lemongrass steppe
20, Kobresia meadow
Agricultural vegetation in the South China region
21, rice, winter wheat, corn, potato, rape, tobacco, tea, paint, bayberry, walnut, apple, pear
22, rice, winter wheat, sweet potato, grains, rape, jute, tea, Camellia, bayberry, citrus
23, double-season rice with sweet potato, double-season corn, sugar cane, cassava, jute, litchi, longan, banana, pineapple
24, three quarters of rice, East Huasheng, sugar cane, lemongrass, sisal, banana, coconut, coffee, oil palm
Vegetable soil area in southern China
Red lines indicate: Vegetable Soil Zone boundaries
Ⅰ said: in the subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest red, yellow soil area
Ⅱ: The subtropical rainforest of South Asia is composed of evergreen broad-leaved forest red red soil
Ⅲ: tropical rainforest seasonal rain forest brick red soil zone
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