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China Earthquake Disaster Online Map

Date: 2023-08-23  Editor: admin    View counts: 462   

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Map description

China Earthquake Disaster Online Map.

Major Seismic Zones and Numbers

Names of major seismic zones

  1. Tancheng-Lujiang Belt

  2. Yanshan Belt

  3. Shanxi Belt

  4. Weihe Plain Zone

  5. Yinchuan Belt

  6. Liupanshan Belt

  7. Eastern Yunnan

  8. Tibetan Chadian Zone

  9. Central Tibet

  10. Southeast Coastal Zone

  11. Hebei Plain Zone

  12. Hexi Corridor Belt

  13. Tianshui-Lanzhou Zone

  14. Wujun-Ma Side Belt

  15. Kangding-Ganzi Belt

  16. Anning Valley Zone

  17. Tengchong-Lancang Belt

  18. Western Taiwan Belt

  19. Western Yunnan

  20. Southern Tarim Margin Zone

  21. South Tianshan Belt

  22. North Tianshan Belt

  23. Southwest Tibet Zone

  24. Altai Mountain Belt

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