The online map of annual precipitation in Sichuan Province,China comes from the atlas of China National Geographic Map, compiled by the Editorial Committee of China National Geographic Map, and published by China Encyclopedia press in November 2011. The annual precipitation in all regions of Sichuan Province can be seen in the map.
Sichuan Province is heavily affected by the southeast Pacific monsoon and the southwest Indian Ocean monsoon. Except for a few areas, the annual precipitation is 500-1200 mm, and it is characterized by heavy night rain.The annual precipitation in most parts of the eastern basin is 900-1200 mm, which is called "Huaxi Rain Screen";There is little rainfall in the western Sichuan Plateau, and the annual precipitation is mostly 600-700 mm. The dry and rainy seasons are distinct.
Sichuan Province is a province with a high incidence of natural disasters in China. It has the characteristics of many types of disasters, a wide distribution area, a high frequency of occurrence, and heavy disaster losses.The main natural disasters are drought, floods, heavy fog, low temperature, frost, autumn rain, hail, strong wind, earthquake, debris flow, etc.
Online map of July average temperature in Sichuan Province, China
Online map of January average temperature in Sichuan Province, China
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