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Online map of glacier and permafrost distribution in China

Date: 2023-08-23  Editor: admin    View counts: 402   

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Distribution of glaciers and permafrost in China

July 15, 2009 China Climate Change and Poverty - China Case Study released by the China Academy of Agricultural Science and Technology on Agricultural Environment and Sustainability, China, pointed out: Based on the glacier retreat rule and the forecast of future summer temperature and precipitation changes. By 2050, the average glacier area in western China will be 27.2% less than that of the present. The area of glacier is 52.5%, that of subcontinental glacier is 24.4% and that of extreme continental glacier is 13.8%. With the climate surface warm. Seasonal snow in the western region will also reduce the snow in early spring, a large area of snow to melt, the amount of snow will be substantially reduced. In 2100, the Tibetan Plateau and Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and other places a wide range of snow will likely melt early in March, the spring drought intensifies, snow melt on glacial runoff regulation greatly reduced, the northern China tends to drought, with greenhouse gas concentration , The area of each climate type area showed an increasing trend, and the increase of extreme arid and sub-humid arid area was the biggest, which would affect the expansion of desertification.

Table of modern glaciers in major mountainous areas of China
Mountain Name The number Area (sq km)
Altai Mountains (domestic part) 457 271
Tianshan Mountains (domestic part) 6895 9548
Qilian Mountains 3306 2063
The western section of the Kunlun Mountains (east of the Yarkand River to 80 ° 30'E) 3180 4331
Animaqing Hill 50 139
Transverse Mountains 386 750
The eastern section of the Nyainqentanglha Mountains 2756 4880
Lhasa Nanshan 248 161
The northern slope of Mount Everest 217 772
Comparison of modern snow line elevation in major mountainous areas of China
Name of mountain Modern Snow Line Elevation (m)
Altai Mountains (domestic part) 3000~3200
Tianshan Mountains (domestic part) 3900(North Slope)
Qilian Mountains 4100~4200(South slope)
The western section of the Kunlun Mountains (east of the Yarkand River to 80 ° 30'E) 4200~5200
Animaqing Hill 5400~6200
Transverse Mountains 5400~5500
The eastern section of the Nyainqentanglha Mountains 4600~4700
Lhasa Nanshan 4600~5200
Northern slope of Mount Everest 5800~6200

The map comes from the "China Geographic Atlas" in China glacial and frozen soil distribution

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