The online map of January average temperature in Sichuan Province, China is from the atlas of China National Geographic Map, compiled by the Editorial Committee of China National Geographic Map, and published by China Encyclopedia press in November 2011. The map shows the average temperature in January in all regions of Sichuan Province.
Sichuan Province is located in the subtropical zone with a complex and diverse climate.Affected by the terrain, it is roughly divided into two major climatic zones: the eastern basin and the western Sichuan plateau.The Sichuan Basin has a warm subtropical monsoon climate, with the characteristics of spring drought, hot summer, autumn rain, and warm winter.The average temperature in January is 5 ℃ ~ 8 ℃, the average temperature in July is 25 ℃ ~ 29 ℃, and the average annual temperature is 15 ℃ ~ 19 ℃.The frost-free period is 280 ~ 300 days; the western Sichuan plateau has a typical plateau climate, and most regions have long winters without summers, and spring and autumn are connected.Precipitation is low and concentrated. The night temperature difference is large, and the annual sunshine reaches 2500 hours.
History map of administrative division (1997-1999) in Sichuan Province, China
Online map of July average temperature in Sichuan Province, China
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