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Online map of land resource type in China

Date: 2023-08-23  Editor: admin    View counts: 251   

Category: General Map

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Types of Land Resources in China

China Land Resource Type:

1 Suitable for farming

2 Suitable for forests and farming and grazing

3 Suitable for agricultural land

4 Suitable for farming land

5 Suitable for forest and grazing

6 Forest land

7 Land suitable for grazing

8 Not suitable for agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and land

In China about 960 million square kilometers of land area:

Mountain and hills accounted for 65%

The area affected by the summer monsoon accounts for 70%

Not suitable for human life and production of the region accounted for 55%

Drought, desert areas accounted for 33%

In the cultivated land area of ​​China:

Acidic soils accounted for 30%

There are different degrees of salinization or secondary salinization of the region accounted for 20%

At present, China's total arable land in the world No. 4, the per capita volume of the world 67.

In nature, land, sun, minerals, forests, grasslands, water, and water that are of value to mankind are natural resources. Natural resources mainly include land resources, water and hydropower resources, climate resources, biological resources, mineral resources. Coal, oil, natural gas, uranium and metal, non-metal and other mineral resources is a little less, is a non-renewable resources. If the development and utilization of reasonable, renewable in a relatively short period of time renewable or renewable, renewable resources; For renewable resources, should be fully rational use, attention to protection, to enable it to achieve sustainable recycling, for non-renewable resources, should be cherished and economical use; strengthen comprehensive recycling, and actively looking for alternative resources.

China has a long history of farming, the land available for reclamation is not much, the lack of arable land resources, and mainly distributed in Xinjiang, Heilongjiang and other remote areas.There are a lot of land resources in China. Therefore, we must develop agriculture according to local conditions.

The map comes from the "China Geographic Atlas" in China, the distribution of land resources types

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