The online map of January average temperature in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China comes from the atlas of China National Geographic Map, which was compiled by the editorial board of China National Geographic Map and published by China Encyclopedia publishing house in November 2011. The map shows the average temperature in January in all regions of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China.
The Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is located on both sides of the Tropic of Cancer and belongs to the subtropical monsoon climate zone, the climate is warm and the heat is abundant.The temperature decreases from south to north, and from the valley to the hills and mountains.The annual average temperature of the whole region is 16.5 ℃ ~ 23.1 ℃, the average temperature in July is 25 ℃ ~ 29 ℃, and the extreme maximum temperature (Baise) is 42.5 ℃. The average temperature in January is 6 ℃ ~ 15 ℃, and the extreme low temperature (resource) is -8.4 ℃.The annual sunshine hours in various places are 1169 ~ 2219 hours, with Weizhou Island having the most.
History map of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region administrative division (1983-1999)
Online map of July average temperature in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China
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