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Online historical map of China in the Yuan Dynasty in 1330

Date: 2023-08-23  Editor: admin    View counts: 388   

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The online historical map of China in the Yuan Dynasty in 1330 comes from the China Atlas in the China Atlas World Atlas (Social Celebration 60th Anniversary Package), published by China Map Publishing House, this atlas of China's national borders is drawn in accordance with the 1:14 million Topographic Map of the People's Republic of China published by China Map Publishing House in 1989.

The online historical map of China in the Yuan Dynasty in 1330 mainly indicates the capital city, the provincial residence, the boundary of political power and tribe, the boundary of provincial government and district, the current national boundary, the current regional boundary and the current military boundary,note: the brown lines and marks in the drawing are the current contents, the scale is 1:52 million.

Historical map of the Chinese Yuan Dynasty (to the first year 1330 AD)

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