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China offshore main benthic animals, benthonic plants and zooplankton resources online maps

Date: 2023-08-23  Editor: admin    View counts: 247   

Category: General Map

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Benth (on) ic plant is a generic term for benthic organisms. In addition to the green algae, brown algae, red algae in the sea, there are a large number of algae, Phyll-ospadix flowers and other plants in the water; in freshwater are Pityrio (Potamogeton) (Najas), Hydrocharis (Hydrocharis) and other flowers and plants (Chara). Rooted in the water, and can be significantly in the water to stretch up the plant, especially known as underwater rooting plants (rhizobenthos). Small diatoms, cyanobacteria in the ocean and fresh water are, in addition to the bottom surface, there are many other plants and rocks attached to life, called epiphytic algae (attached algae). Due to the light compensation point, the distribution is confined to the shallow layer, in this range regardless of the number of organisms or production rate is greater than the phytoplankton.

Benth (on) ic plant is a generic term for benthic organisms. In addition to the green algae, brown algae, red algae in the sea, there are a large number of algae, Phyll-ospadix flowers and other plants in the water; in freshwater are Pityrio (Potamogeton) (Najas), Hydrocharis (Hydrocharis) and other flowers and plants (Chara). Rooted in the water, and can be significantly in the water to stretch up the plant, especially known as underwater rooting plants (rhizobenthos). Small diatoms, cyanobacteria in the ocean and fresh water are, in addition to the bottom surface, there are many other plants and rocks attached to life, called epiphytic algae (attached algae). Due to the light compensation point, the distribution is confined to the shallow layer, in this range regardless of the number of organisms or production rate is greater than the phytoplankton.

Zooplankton is a group of heterotrophic invertebrates and chordates larvae, which often float in water and can not produce organic matter, and live in the water. They either do not have the ability to swim at all, or have a weak swimming ability, can not move at a distance, and are not enough to resist water flow.

This map comes from "China's physical geography Atlas" of China's major coastal benthic animals, benthic and zooplankton resources

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