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Chinese Songhua River, the Liao River Basin River Basin Development and Management Online Map

Date: 2023-08-23  Editor: admin    View counts: 545   

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In the map, we can see the map of Chinese Songhua River, the Liao River Basin River Basin Development and Management. The scale of the map is 1:7800000. The topright corner of the map is existing problems of Songhua River and the Liao River Basin River Basin.

The main problems in the Songhua River and Liaohe River Basin

Songhua River Basin

1.The threat of flooding is more serious, especially in the Songnen Plain, the Sanjiang Plain and the big cities. Floods are mainly caused by heavy rains. The biggest floods occur mostly from July to September, and there will be ice floods in April.

2.There is a lot of obstacles in the floodway, and the flood control capacity of the river has a tendency to decline. With the increase of population and economic development, flood control standards need to be further improved.

3.The main stream is wide and shallow, with approximately 928 km of navigation, but the freezing period is 160 days. Overall, the water quality is relatively clear.

Liaohe River Basin

1.The threat of flooding is more serious, especially in the middle and lower reaches of the plains and large cities. The flood was mainly caused by heavy rain, and the biggest flood occurred mostly in July-August.

2.Soil and water loss is more serious, especially the western tributaries are not effectively controlled. The quality of the dike is poor, and the river channel is blocked and the flooding capacity is reduced.

3.The main stream is shallow and the water volume is very small. There is currently no navigation capacity. Water and sand disorders, river bed siltation, blocking downstream railway bridges, threatening flood control and traffic safety along the banks of the river.

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