In the map, we can see the map of China Hunan hydrogeological map. The scale of the map is 1:1750000. The descriptive datas of the map are water bearing rock group and its water rich degree, representative water points,etc.
1.Aquiferous rock group and its water richness
(1) Loose rock-like interstitial water-bearing rock group
(2) Clastic rock voids and water-bearing rock group:
①Clastic rock pore fracture water-bearing rock group
②Clastic rock type carbonate rock type water rock group
(3) Carbonate rock fracture karst aquifer group:
①Carbonate-bearing aquifer
②Carbonate-like clastic rock-like aquifer
(4) Magmatic rock fractured water-bearing rock group:
①Intrusive rock aquifer
②Water-jet rock type
(5) Metamorphic rock fractured water-bearing rock group
2.Representative water points and others
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