Thematic maps of underground hot water distribution in Fujian Province, China
Ⅰ、Aquifer Formation and Its Water-Rich Degree
(1) Pore-water-bearing rock formations of loose rocks
Moderately rich in water
Weak water-rich
Weak water-rich
(2) Clastic rock pore-fissure aquifer formation
Clastic rock aquifer formation
Weak water-rich
(3) Fractured karst aquifer formations of carbonate rocks
Carbonate aquifer formation
(4) Fractured aquifer formation of magmatic rocks
1.Aquifer Formation of Invasive Rocks
Weak water-rich
2.Aquifer Formation of Ejective Rocks
Weak water-rich
(5) Fractured aquifer formation of metamorphic rocks
Aquifer Formation of Metamorphic Rocks
Weak water-rich
Ⅱ.Groundwater salinity (g/l)
Less than 1 (Freshwater)
1-3 (brackish water)
About 3-10 (brackish water)
More than 10 (salt water)
Ⅲ.Representative Water Points
Drilling and Numbering
Self-flowing Drilling and Numbering
Rising and falling springs and numbers
Spring Groups and Numbers
Hot Springs and Numbers
IV. Various Boundaries
Boundaries of aquifer formations
Water-rich degree boundary
Mineralization boundary
V. Others
Faults and inferred faults
Stratigraphic boundary
Limestone cave
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