Geological online map of China Sea area and adjacent area
Geological section of the Chinese sea area and adjacent areas Explain:
1.Different perspectives are used to show the depth of a certain sea area in China. Distribution characteristics of structures and igneous rocks. Its perspective range is represented by yellow lines on geological maps.
2.The central basin of the South China Sea and the offshore seas of Japan Sea, Sulu Sea, Sulawesi Sea and Philippine Sea are submarine geological maps, in which the oceanic crust part shows the scope and formation age of basalt (layer 2).
Quaternary; Pliocene-Pleistocene; Pliocene-Quaternary; Pliocene; Miocene-Pliocene;Miocene; Upper Tertiary; Splassian-Miocene; Lower Tertiary-Miocene; Oligocene; Eocene-Oligocene; Eocene; Paleocene-Oligocene; Paleocene-Eocene; Paleocene; Lower Tertiary; Cenozoic; Pre-Lower Tertiary; Upper Cretaceous-Eocene; Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene; Upper Cretaceous-Lower Tertiary; Cretaceous-Eocene; Cretaceous-Lower Tertiary; Cretaceous; Jurassic; Cretaceous; Jurassic; Jurassic; Triassic-Jurassic; Triassic; Mesozoic; Upper Paleozoic-Triassic; Upper Paleozoic-Mesozoic; Pre-Permian, Pre-Silurian; Paleozoic-Lower Tertiary; Paleozoic; Sinian; Proterozoic; Archean-Proterozoic Yu; Archaic.
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