Metamorphic geological online map of China
Metamorphic Facies and Metamorphic Facies
Laumontite and grape-chlorite facies
Low greenschist facies (sericite-chlorite grade)
Greenschist facies (including low and high greenschist facies)
Amphibolite facies
Granulite facies
Low pressure greenschist facies
Medium pressure low amphibolite facies
Medium-pressure amphibolite facies
Blueamphibole-andalusite schist facies
Undifferentiated metamorphic phase and related transition (Metamorphic facies, phase system color same as before)
Greenschist facies and amphibolite facies are not distinguished (other similar)
Medium-low pressure amphibolite facies transition (other similar)
Multistage metamorphism (Vertical fringes represent early metamorphism; horizontal fringes represent late metamorphism; metamorphic facies and facies are identical)
Greenschist facies superimposed on medium-pressure low amphibolite facies (other similar)
Metamorphic facies under unmetamorphic caprock (The dots represent metamorphic facies, metamorphic facies series, color same as before)
Greenschist facies
Granulite facies and amphibolite facies are not separated
Metamorphic caprock
Laumontite appears in deep part
Mineral assemblages of low greenschist facies in deep part
Age of metamorphism
Caledonian to Variscan (other similar)
Variscan superimposed on Caledonian (other similar)
Age of metamorphism is unknown
Unmetamorphic strata
Metamorphic granitoids
Unmetamorphic granitoids
Granitoids under Unmetamorphic Caprock
Mafic and ultramafic rocks
Fault zone
Metamorphic Period Boundary/Metamorphic Facies Boundary
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