Calculate the linear slope online tool based on two-point coordinates

The slope, also known as the "angle factor", indicates how much a line is tilted relative to the abscissa axis. The tangent of the angle between a straight line and the positive half-axis of the abscissa axis of a plane is the slope of the line relative to the coordinate system. If the line is perpendicular to the x-axis, the tangent of the right angle is infinite, so the line does not have a slope. When the slope of the straight line L exists, for the linear function \(y=kx+b\), (oblique cut) k is the slope of the function image.

When the slope of the straight line L exists, the truncated \(y=kx+b\) when k=0 y=b

When the slope of the line L exists, the point is oblique \(y2—y1=k(X2—X1)\),

When the line L has a non-zero intercept on two axes, there is an intercept \(X/a+y/b=1\)

For any point on any function, the slope is equal to the angle between its tangent and the positive direction of the x-axis, ie tanα

Slope calculation: ax+by+c=0, k=-a/b.

Straight slope formula: \(k=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1)\)

The product of the slopes of two perpendicular intersecting lines is -1: k1 * k2 = -1.


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