Absolute value online calculation

APP description

On the number axis, the distance from the point representing the number to the origin is called the absolute value of this number, and the absolute value is represented by "||". On the number axis, a = b, and a > 0, b > 0, then the value of the distance between the point of the number a to the point b is read as the absolute value of a-b, denoted as |a-b|.

For example: |5| refers to the distance between the point representing the number 5 on the number axis and the origin. This distance is 5, so the absolute value of 5 is 5. Similarly, |-5| refers to the distance between the point representing the number -5 on the number axis and the origin. This distance is 5, so the absolute value of -5 is also 5.

The absolute value of the non-negative number [positive number and 0] is itself, and the absolute value of the non-positive number [negative number and 0] is its opposite number.

The absolute value of a is represented by "|a|". Read as "the absolute value of a".

The absolute value of the real number a is always non-negative, ie |a |≥0.

The absolute values of the two numbers that are opposite to each other are equal, that is, |-a|=|a| (since their distances to the origin are equal on the number axis).

If a is a positive number, x satisfying |x|=a has two values ±a, such as |x|=3, then x=±3.

Usage example

Enter the number: -5

Click "Calculate" to output the result

Absolute result: 5


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