Chemical periodic table
The elemental cycle law of modern chemistry was first created by the Russian scientist Mendeev in 1869. He believed that the positive charge of the nucleus determines the chemical properties of the element and arranges the elements according to the positive charge in the nucleus (ie, the number of protons or atomic order). After many years of revision, it has become a contemporary periodic table. In the periodic table, elements are arranged in the atomic order of the elements, with the smallest ranking being the first. A horizontal row in the table is called a cycle, and a column is called a family.
Cycle refers to a cycle of the outermost electrons of a row element on the periodic table from 1 to 8; a family is a similar chemical property of a vertical element due to the same number of outermost electrons. The family element is that only the outermost electrons are not full, but the sub-families have energy level transitions, and the secondary outer electrons are not full. This table reveals the secrets of the material world and unifies elements that appear to be unrelated to each other to form a complete natural system.
Tool usage: Move the mouse, hover over an element, and all relevant results will be displayed.
Move the mouse and float it on 14 silicon Si to display all relevant information.
Output: displayed in blue, indicating solid state; name silicon; serial number 14; found in 1824; atomic weight 28.0855; melting point 1410; boiling point 2355; outer electrons 2,8,4; 8; atomic orbital is 3p2; specific gravity is 2.33.
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