Uncertainty Calculator_Online Calculation Tool

X dX
Y dY
Z dZ
Mem dMem

Uncertainty calculator

This is a calculator for performing uncertainties and quantities involving known or estimated. The calculation will involve algebraic operations such as: \(Z = X + Y\); \(Z = XY\);\(Z = X x Y\); \(Z = X/ Y\);\(Z = XY\) or the type of mathematical function: \(Z = 1/X \); Z = interval point. !;\(Z = log10(X) \);\(Z = 10X \);\(Z = eX \);Z = this. If the input quantity (X,Y) is the uncertainty of providing (dX,dY), the program will perform a function of the calculated answer (Z) and will also calculate the uncertainty in the answer (dZ). If no uncertainty is provided, the program will assume that the value is uncertain.


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