Spherical Crown Online Calculator

Sphere radius 'r' & Chord length 'AB'
Sphere radius 'r' & Spherical cap high 'h'
Chord length 'AB' & Spherical cap high 'h'
Chord length 'AB' & Arc length 'AB'

App description

The part of a sphere cut off by a plane is called the spherical crown. The circle cut off is called the bottom of the spherical crown. The section perpendicular to the diameter of the section is called the height of the crown. The spherical crown can also be regarded as a curved surface formed by the rotation of an arc around the diameter passing through one of its ends.

Area formula: S=2πRh

The volume formula of segment corresponding to the spherical crown is:

(1/3)π(3R-h)×h^2 (πh^2(R-h/3))

Usage example

Choose two values that you know:

Here we choose: sphere radius 'R' & chord length 'ab'.

Sphere radius: 8

Chord length AB: 6

Click "calculate" to output the result

Spherical crown radius RC: 3;

Crown height 'H': 0.5838;

The surface area of spherical crown was 29.345;

Spherical crown volume: 8.3575;

Arc length AB: 6.1503;

Spherical area (except ball crown): 774.9;

Sphere area: 804.25;

The sphere volume (except spherical crown): 2.1363e + 3;

Volume of sphere: 2.1447e + 3;

Significant digits > > > 5


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