Sound intensity level online calculation, environmental impact calculation

Sound intensity online calculation tool, sound intensity online calculator

Sound level

In psychophysics, the average sound energy per unit area passing through a direction perpendicular to the direction of sound wave propagation per unit time is called sound intensity. The sound intensity is expressed by I and the unit is watt/square meter. Psychophysical research shows that people's feelings about sound strength are not directly proportional to sound intensity, but proportional to their logarithm. This is why people use sound intensity to express sound.

Its unit is Bell Sound (Bel, Bel)

\(L=log (10)[I/I0]=lg(I/I0)\)

The average person can distinguish the two sounds of Bell, which is one tenth of the difference in strength. Therefore, it is more convenient to use the tenth of Bell as the unit of sound intensity. This unit is called decibel, which is called decibel ( dB), ie


Where I is the sound intensity, I0=10-12 watts/square meter is called the reference sound intensity, and the common unit of sound intensity level is decibel (dB).

Sound intensity level:

Sound intensity level calculation:

\(SIL =10log10(I/I0)\)

IL = sound intensity level

I = sound intensity

I0 = reference sound intensity


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