Flat throw motion horizontal displacement online calculator

The object is thrown horizontally at a certain initial velocity. If the object is only subjected to gravity, such motion is called a flat throwing motion. The flat throw motion can be regarded as a uniform linear motion in the horizontal direction and a combined motion of the free fall motion in the vertical direction. The object of the flat throwing motion is a constant force due to the external force received, so the flat throwing motion is a uniform shifting curve motion, and the moving trajectory of the flat throwing object is a parabola. The flat throw motion is the curve motion The time of the flat throw motion is only related to the vertical height of the throw point; the horizontal displacement of the object landing is related to the time (vertical height) and the horizontal initial velocity.

Horizontal throwing motion horizontal displacement: Δx = Vx0t

Δx = horizontal displacement

Vx0 = initial speed

t = time


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