Inequality transfer online calculator

APP description


In general, the inequalities connected with pure greater than sign ">" and less than sign "<" are called strict inequalities, with not less than sign (greater than or equal to sign) "≥", not greater than sign (less than or equal to sign) "≤ "connected inequalities are called non-strict inequalities, or generalized inequalities.In general, the expressions connected by inequalities (<,>, ≥, ≤, ≠) are called inequalities.

Usually the numbers in the inequality are real numbers, and the letters also represent real numbers. The general form of the inequality is F(x,y,...,z)≤G(x,y,...,z) (where the inequality sign can also be <,≤ , ≥, >), the common domain of the analytic expressions on both sides is called the domain of the inequality. The inequality can express either a proposition or a problem.

Basic properties:

① Symmetry;


③Additional monotonicity, that is, additivity of the same direction inequality;

④Multiplication monotonicity;

⑤ Multipliability of positive inequality in the same direction;

⑥ Positive value inequalities can be raised to power;

⑦ Positive value inequality can be prescribed;

⑧Countdown rule.


Transitivity is in logic and mathematics, if the following statements remain valid for all a, b, c ∈ X, then the binary relationship R on the set is transitive: "If a relates to b and b relates to c, then a is related to c."

The purpose of this application is to demonstrate the calculation method of inequality transitivity. When in use, enter the values of A, B, and C in order of size.

Inequality transitivity

If a> b and b> c; then a> c

If a <b and b <c; then a <c

If a> b and b = c; then a> c

If a <b and b = c; then a <c


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