Online calculation of correlation coefficient threshold online calculator

Select the saliency factor in the following table:

This page calculates the critical value of the correlation coefficient online, and the "Correlation Coefficient Threshold Table" is in almost all the "Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics" tutorial.    Attached to the back. But now that you have a network, you can do it online without having to look up the table. And the degree of freedom in the schedule in the textbook is only 100, and the online calculation is    It can be calculated that the degree of freedom is an arbitrary value.

After selecting the corresponding significance factor α in the list on the right, enter the number of sample points n of the statistics in the input box directly below. Note that n is not    Degree of freedom, n-2 is the degree of freedom, but the degree of freedom is automatically calculated in the program, you do not have to worry, this is not the same as the lookup table.    After entering the good data and clicking the "Start Calculation" button, the corresponding critical value of the correlation coefficient is calculated.


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