Calculate Manning Roughness Coefficient

App description

Manning equation online calculation

Calculation of the roughness coefficient, flow rate, hydraulic radius, and slope of the line

Select the appropriate unit and enter a value and click on "Calculate". The result will be displayed.

Calculation formula

Calculate Manning Roughness Coefficient

n = Manning's Roughness Coefficient

R = Hydraulic Radius

S = Line Slope

V = Flow Velocity

\(n=\frac {1.49×R^{0.66}×S^{0.5}}{V}\)

Usage example

Known data: hydraulic radius; line slope; flow velocity, what is the manning roughness coefficient.

Input data: hydraulic radius: 50 ft; line slope: 0.5; flow velocity: 10 ft / sec

Output: manning roughness coefficient: 1.39313


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