Mortgage comparison calculator
Select the currency, enter the value, and click Calculate. The result will be displayed.
Input data:
Currency: US dollar
Total loan amount: USD 100,000.00
Annual interest rate
Loan 15 years: 7.00%
Loan 20 years: 8.000%
Loan 30 years: 9.000%
Monthly supply
15 years of debt: $898.83 per month
20-year debt: $836.44 per month
30-year credit: $804.62 per month
Total cost
15 years of debt: $161,789.09
20-year credit: $200,745.62
30-year credit: $289,664.14
Total loan interest
15 years of debt: $61,789.09
20-year debt: $100,745.62
30-year credit: $189,664.14
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