Ideal Gas State Equation Online Calculator

App description

Ideal gas equation of state

Enter the value and click Calculate. The result will be displayed.

The ideal gas state equation is the first one by îT Paul É Clapperon at 1834 miles. It determines the relationship between pressure, volume and temperature.

For the ideal gas state equation, this is a good approximation of the actual gas at a sufficiently high temperature and pressure; that is, \(PV=RT\), P is the pressure, and V is the volume per mole of gas. T is the temperature and R is the gas constant.

The pressure, temperature, and amount of a particular substance involved in any equation are called state equations.

Usage example

Input data:

Temperature: 25 absolute temperature scale (Kelvin)

Pressure: 110 ATM, asynchronous transfer mode

Gas constant: 45J/kg*K

Quality: 5kg    Specific volume: 0.0001m3/kg

Specific capacity: 0.00001lb/feet3

Volume: 0.0005m3

Density: 10000kg/m3


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