Online liquid volume calculator

App Description

Volume of liquid in storage:

$$ V=V1+V2= \frac {πd}{4} LK+0.2155h^2(1.5d-h) $$

In the formula:

V1-volume part volume

V2 - the volume of the disc portion at both ends

D-storage cylinder inner diameter

L-storage cylinder length

H-liquid height in storage

K-factor (determined by the ratio h/d)

Usage example


L: 1.5

h: 0.4

K: 0.374

Click to calculate, output data

Calculation results:

Volume: 0.48


Coefficient K value table

h/d K h/d K h/d K h/d K h/d K
0.02 0.005 0.22 0.163 0.42 0.399 0.62 0.651 0.82 0.878
0.04 0.013 0.24 0.185 0.44 0.424 0.64 0.676 0.84 0.897
0.06 0.025 0.26 0.207 0.46 0.449 0.66 0.700 0.86 0.915
0.08 0.038 0.28 0.229 0.48 0.475 0.68 0.724 0.88 0.932
0.10 0.52 0.30 0.252 0.50 0.500 0.70 0.748 0.90 0.948
0.12 0.068 0.32 0.276 0.52 0.526 0.72 0.771 0.92 0.963
0.14 0.085 0.34 0.300 0.54 0.551 0.74 0.793 0.94 0.976
0.16 0.103 0.36 0.324 0.56 0.576 0.76 0.816 0.96 0.987
0.18 0.122 0.38 0.349 0.58 0.601 0.78 0.837 0.98 0.995
0.20 0.142 0.40 0.374 0.60 0.627 0.80 0.858 1.00 1.00


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