Convert percentage to fractional calculator
Enter% and press the conversion button:
1% is equal to one percent:
Therefore, in order to convert to fraction %, divide by 100%% and subtract the score.
Example 56% equals 56/100 and least common multiple = 4 equals 14/25:
56% = 56/100 = 14/25
Percentage to score conversion table
Percent | Fraction | Percent | Fraction |
1% | 1/100 | 50% | 1/2 |
10% | 1/10 | 55.56% | 5/9 |
11.11% | 1/9 | 57.14% | 4/7 |
12.5% | 1/8 | 62.5% | 5/8 |
14.29% | 1/7 | 66.67% | 2/3 |
16.67% | 1/6 | 60% | 3/5 |
20% | 1/5 | 70% | 7/10 |
22.22% | 2/9 | 71.42% | 5/7 |
25% | 1/4 | 75% | 3/4 |
28.57% | 2/7 | 77.78% | 7/9 |
30% | 3/10 | 80% | 4/5 |
33.33% | 1/3 | 83.33% | 5/6 |
37.5% | 3/8 | 85.71% | 6/7 |
40% | 2/5 | 87.5% | 7/8 |
42.86% | 3/7 | 88.89% | 8/9 |
44.44% | 4/9 | 90% | 9/10 |
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