Online calculation of the least common multiple of multiple numbers

Each group of numbers is separated by commas (,)(,) Look at the following demonstration
Click on the calculation to get the result.

APP description

Least common multiple:

The common multiple of several numbers is called the common multiple of these numbers, and the smallest common multiple other than 0 is called the least common multiple of these numbers.The least common multiple of natural numbers a and b can be written as [a, b], and the greatest common factor of natural numbers a and b can be written as (a, b). When (a, b) = 1, [a, b] = a ×b. If the two numbers are in a multiple relationship, their least common multiple is the larger number, and the least common multiple of the adjacent two natural numbers is their product.

Least common multiple = product of two numbers/maximum common (cause) number, to avoid confusion with the greatest common (cause) number when solving problems.

The scope of application of the least common multiple: addition and subtraction of fractions, Chinese residual theorem (the correct problem has a solution within the least common multiple, and there is a unique solution).

Because a prime number is a number that cannot be divisible by 1 and other numbers; the prime number X to the Nth power is only divisible by X to the power below N-1, 1 and the own number.

Therefore, to find the least common multiple of A, B, C, D, E, ..., Z, you only need to decompose these numbers into the product of the prime powers of the Nth power, and take the product of the highest power of each prime factor , Is the least common multiple of these numbers.

This calculator can calculate the least common multiple of 3 numbers and more.

Usage example

Separate each group of numbers with a comma (,) see the example below.

Enter the value: 5,15,20,25,80,90

Click "Calculate" to get the result

Common multiple: 3600


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