Common conversion units:
Bit and byte conversion
1 bit (bit or bit) equals 0.125B (byte byte)
1 B (byte byte) is equal to 8 bit (bit or bit)
Megabytes and kilobytes
1KB (kilobyte kilobytes) is equal to 0.0009775625 MB (megabytes)
1MB (megabytes) equals 1024KB (kilobyte kilobytes)
Megabytes and gigabytes
1MB (megabytes) equals l 0.0009765625 GB (gigabytes)
1GB (gigabytes) equals 1024MB (megabytes)
CD and DVD conversion
1 CD (74 minutes) equals 0.13495427820145 DVD (1 photos)
1 DVD (1 sheet) equals 7.4099169980166 CD (74 minutes)
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