The earth equator wraps around the earth for a total of 40075.04 kilometers, while @ a circle is divided into 360°, and every 1° (degrees) has 60. The length of each degree and one second on the equator is calculated as follows:
Each minute has 60 seconds, and each second represents 1855.3m/60=30.92m.
The formula for calculating the distance between any two points is
\(d=111.12cos{1/[sinΦAsinΦB十cosΦAcosΦBcos(λB—λA)]} \)
The longitude and longitude of point A are λA and ΦA, respectively, and the longitude and latitude of point B are λB and ΦB, respectively, and d is the distance.
Input data:
Longitude of data latitude and longitude A (ddd.dddddd) (E/W)---13
Latitude A (dd.dddddd) (N/S)---24
To digital
Longitude B (ddd.dddddd) (E/W)---12
Latitude B (dd.dddddd) (N/S)---26
Click "Calculate" to get the result:
Distance: 243994.90059096922 m
Distance: 800508.2296516367 feet
Distance: 243.99490059096922 km
Distance: 151.61111138002153 Miles Mile
Distance: 131.74379437359545 nautical miles
Orientation: 24.16813681304315 degrees
Orientation: 0.4218135614600522 radians
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