Atomic mass is divided into absolute atomic mass and relative atomic mass. Absolute mass refers to the actual mass of an atom, which can also be called the absolute mass of an atom. The relative atomic mass is the relative mass of an atom, that is, one twelfth of the mass of a carbon atom (a carbon atom with six protons and six neutrons in the nucleus, which can be simply expressed as 12C) as the standard, and the actual mass of other atoms is compared with it, and the value obtained is the relative atomic mass of that kind of atom.
The relative molecular mass is the sum of the relative atomic mass (AR) of each atom in the chemical formula, expressed by the symbol Mr, and the unit is 1.
Input chemical formula: C2H5OH
Click "Calculate" to output the result.
Atom Number of atoms Atomic mass Weight%
H, 6, 1.008, 13.128%
O, 1, 15.999, 34.728%
C, 2, 12.011, 52.144%
Molecular weight: 46.069
This calculator can only calculate the molecular formula, not the result of structural formula.
Chemical formula input is case sensitive.
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