The geometric mean is the root of the number of open terms of the continuous product of the values of the variables. The method of geometric average is called geometric average. If the total level and the total achievements are equal to the sum of the products of all stages, all links and achievements, the geometric average method should be used to calculate the geometric average, but the arithmetic average method should not be used to calculate the arithmetic average. According to the different forms of grasping data, it can be divided into simple geometric average and weighted geometric average.
The geometric mean is the nth root of the product of the values of n variables.
It is divided into simple geometric mean and weighted geometric average.
1.Simple geometric mean:
2.Weighted geometric mean:
Input: 45,23,90
Click "start calculation" and output the result
Total number: 3
Geometric mean: 45.33089
Enter all the numbers, separated by half a comma ",".
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