Trapezoidal area online calculator

Selection of Angle Units

App description

Trapezoidal formula:

  1. trapezoidal area \(S= \frac {1}{2} (a+b)h\)

  2. Trapezoidal perimeter \(C=a+b+c+d\)

  3. Diagonal \(L1H2 = √( h^2 + ( b - √( c^2 - h^2 ))^2 )\)

  4. Diagonal \(H1L2 = √( h^2 + ( b - √( d^2 - h^2 ))^2 )\)

Usage example

Input data:

Parallel edge a:5

Parallel edge b:8

Side length c:5

Side length d:7

Height (h): 4

Click "Online Calculation" to output data

Area: 26

Perimeter: 25

Diagonal L1H2: 6.4031242374328485

Diagonal H1L2: 4.592058106708967

Angle (θ): 53.13010235415598 degrees

Angle (Φ): 34.84990457904648 degrees


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