Height and weight ratio online calculation tool - male - female - healthy standard body

Category: Daily

Children (under 18 years old)
Adult (≥18 years old )
Due to individual differences, this calculator is for reference only.

App description

National male students (by age) height standard weight statistics show that boys' "malnutrition" and "lighter weight" rates are mainly concentrated between 12 and 15 years old, which may be related to the proliferation of all aspects of adolescent growth during this period.

The proportion of “normal weight” in primary school is basically balanced, which is consistent with the stage of growth and development of primary school students. From junior high school to university, the proportion of normal weight gradually increases, which may be related to the stage of body growth and development, and may be related to the gradual decrease of learning pressure.

The proportion of “obesity” remained at around 10% in all age groups. It is roughly consistent with the proportion of this year's national physical fitness monitoring. The proportion of “overweight” is lower than that of obesity, and the reason is for further analysis.

Usage example

Adult (≥18 years old)


Height: 165cm

Weight: 60kg

Click "Calculate" to output the result.

Ideal body weight: 55.47kg

Due to individual differences, this calculator is for reference only.


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